Local NGO expresses concern about journalists’ trail

Local NGO expresses concern about journalists’ trail

Local NGO expresses concern about journalists’ trail - موقع الصحوة نت الاخباري

Local NGO expresses concern about journalists’ trail

Local NGO expresses concern about journalists’ trail

Alsahwa Net- Sam Organization for Rights and Liberties expressed on Tuesday its deep concern over a trial of ten Yemeni reporters who have been held captives in the Houthis-run prisons in Sana’a since 2015.

The Specialized Criminal Court in Sana’a which is run by the Houthis rebels began on Monday the first hearing of the ten abducted reporters without notifying their lawyer.

The court read the charge statement to the abducted journalists while their lawyer was not present.

The organization demanded the Houthis to halt their intimidation against the ten reporters and to release them with no condition.

It said that the Houthis received the world Human Rights Day which marks on Tuesday 10 December with illegal trial of the ten abducted journalists.

“The act (trial of the journalists) proves that they disrespect the human rights and the human dignity that are maintained by the international conventions and treaties,” the organization said.

It demanded the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Yemen, Office of the United Nations Special Envoy to Yemen and Reporters without Borders (RSF) to act seriously to save lives of the ten abducted journalists.

“They (abducted journalists) have been suffering for too long time in the Houthis-detention centers and have been vulnerable to various forms of torture,” the organization said.

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