Houthis disallow lawyer to detained journalists attend hearing sessions

Houthis disallow lawyer to detained journalists attend hearing sessions

Houthis disallow lawyer to detained journalists attend hearing sessions - موقع الصحوة نت الاخباري

Houthis disallow lawyer to detained journalists attend hearing sessions

Houthis disallow lawyer to detained journalists attend hearing sessions

Alsahwa Net- The lawyer of the detained journalists, Abdulmajid Sabra said on Sunday that the Houthis have disallowed him to be present during hearing sessions.

In a post he wrote on his Facebook page, Sabra said that the Houthis reject defense of the detained journalists who have been in custody in Sana’a for five years.

He added that the Houthis insist on implementation of illegal death sentence they handed down to the journalists early last April.

He said that the continuation of handing down sentences against journalists makes exercising the media job a dangerous work in Yemen.

Sabra renewed his demand for release of the detained journalists with no conditions.

He called on the media professionals’ unions and organizations to assume their role towards halting this illegal trial and pressurizing release of all detained journalists.

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