Yemen Health Ministry on high alert after covid-19 cases increase

Yemen Health Ministry on high alert after covid-19 cases increase

Yemen Health Ministry on high alert after covid-19 cases increase الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2021 07:23 م الصحوة نت - خاص   Yemen’s Health Ministry is now on high alert after a reported increase in the infections with the novel coronavirus in the country.

In a letter to the ministry’s branch offices in the provinces liberated from Houthis, the Health Minister Qasem Beheibeh ordered for awareness drives on epidemic prevention to be launched, infection prevention measures in hospitals to be tightened, confirmed cases to be reported to the Ministry’s operations room, among other measures.

Health centers have reported 30 confirmed cases and 53 suspected cases in the liberated provinces over the past three days.

اليمن      |      المصدر: الصحوة نت    (منذ: 3 سنوات | 19 قراءة)