In spite of Houthi threat, Marib’s development marches on

In spite of Houthi threat, Marib’s development marches on

In spite of Houthi threat, Marib’s development marches on الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2021 07:24 م الصحوة نت - خاص   In spite of the bloodbath fueled by Houthi militants in its outskirts trying to overrun it, the city of Marib is seeing a development that continues to march on defiantly.

On Tuesday, the local authorities inaugurated the city’s first football stadium that had been under construction for more than a year.

The projects of tree planting, road pavements, sidewalk landscaping, lighting and others are seen in progress everywhere.


اليمن      |      المصدر: الصحوة نت    (منذ: 3 سنوات | 18 قراءة)