Houthi booby-trapped toy kills 11-year-old boy

Houthi booby-trapped toy kills 11-year-old boy

Houthi booby-trapped toy kills 11-year-old boy - موقع الصحوة نت الاخباري

Houthi booby-trapped toy kills 11-year-old boy

Houthi booby-trapped toy kills 11-year-old boy


Eyad Abduljalil Qayed, 11, was killed by a boob-trapped toy he found in a Houthi checkpoint in Dhi Asofal district of the central Yemen province of Ibb on Sunday, local sources said.


“The boy picked the toy from the checkpoint, and took it home where it exploded charring his body into pieces in front of his parents,” one source said.

His parents have suffered a nervous breakdown and they are not able to move, the source said. 


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